Brief Bio & Photos
The newest addition to 7he 7eam, Shakah’s history with its members predates the groups formation. “I knew Baragon since we were babies, before he was Big & Bad, he was just Burpee then” he remembers. It was Baragon who extended the invitation to Shakah to join the group once their former bassist, Javion Jones, left the outfit in 2015. “I was surprised at the time, because I had only shown that I was writing a few weeks earlier, and I barely had any material, though I’d always been interested in being an artist.” Shakah’s first foray into writing began in high school. With his buddies he would engage in freestyle battle raps, and he would write poetry to women to gain their affection. “I’ve always considered myself a lyricist. I like music lyrics that excite and make you think, I like literary music. Poetry and battle rap seem to do that more than songs.” It was this poetic edge that he utilized during his first performance with 7he 7eam. “At my first show with them I opened our set with a piece of a song we wrote called ‘Black Girl Rock’. I think it went off really well. At first I wasn’t sure if I was a good fit, especially considering I was a replacement for a guy they all knew, but we’re good now. I look forward to what we’re going to do.”